Monday, September 17, 2007

Emily's First Day of Preschool Sept 17, 2007

Oh so Bitter Sweet. My little girl is growing up! I walked her to her class room this morning. Helped her hang her back pack up. Told her to give me a kiss goodbye......."Bye Mom". That's all I got! :o) She is so grown up!

I have a feeling she is going to LOVE IT! I will tell you all later how her first day goes.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Back to School.....September 4, 2007

Hurray Hurray It's the first day of School. Maverick is now officially a Second Grader. He seemed very excited to go to school this morning. But, I soon found out on the way to school that he was excited to play on the new "playground" equipment that the school put in this summer. Who does that sound like?

Emily was a little bummed it wasn't her turn to start school today. I tried to convince her that her day is only days away.

Here is Maverick's back to school pic.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What? Can you believe it, I have Something to Say!!!!!

Hello to everyone.

I finally have a story to share. There are always stories to share,It's just that I am terrible about getting them written down.

On the way home the other night Maverick and I were having one of our "conversations"......He made the remark that boys are smarter than girls. I had to tell him that boys are smarter in certain things and girls are smarter in other things. He laughs, no boys are smarter.....Dad is smarter than you he said. Oh, what makes you say that I ask him. His reply was. Well you have to go to school still and Dad doesn't so that makes him smarter than you. LOL. Oh yes, he got me there.

And we can not forget Emily....she has her moments too. Matt and Maverick have been working on this "tree fort", "man cave" thing all summer. NO GIRLS ALLOWED they keep telling us. So Emily gets the brillant idea she needs her own fort for just the GIRLS. We asked her where she wants to build it. What she wants it to look like. Do you know what she told me. She wanted her fort to be "sexy"......what? yup "sexy". What the heck is sexy to a FOUR year old. Shag carpet all over in the color of bubble gum pink? Some mood lighting? I am still looking for an answer on that one.

Hope everyone is having a Great Summer.

It really is starting to come to and end isn't it? Maverick starts school on September 4. Second Grade!!!!
And my baby, Emily, starts preschool September 17th!!!!! It's hard to look at baby pictures of her and know that I can't stop her from growing up.

They both are growing up WAY to fast.

Take Care.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 4th of July 2007

Maverick....jeeezsh...did you see that big fish. It was the one that got away. The weather was warm on Sunday so Matt and I took the kids to Cormorant lake so they could do some swimming and a little fishing. It turned out to be a beautiful night. No fish for supper tho.
Emily in her party dress. The utility men came and cut down one of our big trees. Maverick had a great idea that he wanted to have a bon fire in the drive way with the little twigs so he could roast marshmellows. Well, Emily had to get dressed in her party dress for this occasion. So Sweet n Innocent looking.
I hope everyone has a great 4th of July. We won't be doing much. Both Matt and I work the next day. Limits the fun. Who says working around the house and yard isn't fun! :o)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back to Work!

I better get back to work and get something done. I do have more just to warn you.

The Cats get there photo time too.

Black Kitty
Little Kitty and Maverick

Little Kitty looking for some paper to do some cutting and coloring (Maverick did the "set up" for this shot)

Grey Kitty.....thankful he is here.


Here is the newest addition to the family. Kobe....he was named before we got him. I am guessing named after Kobe Bryant???? He just turned 1 year at the end of April. Like I said in an earlier post. He may not be the smartest, but that could be because he still has sooooo much puppy left in him. He came with the choker chain. I myself am not fond of them. But He was raised with it. And if you could have seen how excited he was when he first arrived . . . Matt used all he had to hold onto his leash. :o)



Saturday, June 23, 2007's been a while.

Sorry. I thought I would be better at keeping this up to date and current. Either there hasn't been much going on.....or I have been too lazy. Naaaah.

Matt and I made a small purchase.....a digital camera. I love it...I wish I would have gotten one earlier. It has some really cool features. I could have gone hog wild and spent a bundle on one that I really really liked. But refrained. I want to share a few pics with it. What can I say the kids love their pictures taken!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

This was one of the "Christmas" Pictures we had done so I could send out in Christmas cards.....needless to say....the cards never got done. And I have all these pictures. Maverick is seven and Emily is three in this picture. Darn they are cute kids!!!!

My very first blog.

This is my very first entry in the new" family" blog.

I guess, I created the blog to keep everyone up to date on the chaotic happenings and just to share our lives with you.

I have had Maverick stories since.....oh, I don't know when...the day he was born, and almost everyday since then. Some stories have been lost or forgotten. I am hoping this will keep them a little more organized and available.

We can't leave out Emily. She too has her own day to day happenings. Each child has their own lifes challenges.

I hope you enjoy the laughs, the tears, the love.